Assalamu’alaikum. Hi guys.
In this tutorial video, I want to show you how to create “spiral columns” or also known as “twisted pillars” quickly and easily in Blender 2.8x. Besides that I also cover how to use real-world measurement unit, how to optimize the modeling result for the use at different application scenarios, and I also mention in this video a bug in the “Screw” modifier and how to work around the bug.
The techniques you learned in this video will be applicable for creating any types of spiral-like objects such as ropes, cords, candles, furniture decorations, cables, candies, etc.
If you want to learn computer graphics software such as Photoshop, Krita, Illustrator, Blender, 3ds Max, SketchUp, and so on, from the very basics to the advanced level, you should definitely check out my courses on Udemy, or Skillshare. You can also check out my other courses here.
I hope this tutorial is useful, Wassalaamu'alaikum.
Widhi Muttaqien
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